quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015

Lose Weight In 2 Months

Lose Weight In 2 Months
Understand the importance of your decision to lose weight to live longer and feel healthier. Even losing a few pounds will improve how you feel mentally and physically. There is no quick-fix, but this plan will get you shedding pounds sooner than you think. Remember not to think too much, otherwise you will never act in losing the weight. 

 Watch your calorie intake. To do this in an organized way, keep a daily online journal of everything you eat. There, you can enter your weight loss goals and any activities you do. You can also keep a notebook journal of all your information. 

Plan to do some exercise - in the beginning, anything will get you started. Take walks after meals, do yoga, try some stretching, go swimming, or ride a bicycle instead of driving to get around and run errands. Aim to burn 500 calories per day through exercise. 

Eat about six (small) meals each day. Eating more often, but fewer calories, will boost your metabolism and still lower your intake. 

Plan to eat 1200-1500 calories per day. You do not need to go hungry with this amount of food. It may help to think in terms of eating 200-250 calories per meal. While this is not a lot of food in terms of pork rinds, it is a lot in terms of spinach. See this guide for a week's worth of 1200-calorie per day menus. In this stage, there is no need to be concerned with how many carbohydrates or how much fat you consume. Just watch your calories!
Think about how little food your body needs to survive and be healthy. The rest is excess and you don't need it. Over time, you will realize that you don't want to eat extra food. Always stop eating when you are full. Use small plates for your food.

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